
Your Council and You


Your Council and You

As a new Council for West Oxfordshire we want to understand how you would like us to work to meet the needs of residents and take action on the issues that are facing the District (such as the climate and ecological emergency, the health and well-being of our residents, ensuring people have a home that meets their needs, and how to ensure that our local economy is strong and resilient). 

Help us build a picture of Your West Oxfordshire

As part of our commitment to putting residents at the heart of what we do, we want to know what you value most about living in West Oxfordshire. We would like to include a montage of images, be it an illustration, photo, or drawing to include in the Council Plan. We will also create a word cloud from the text you provide us to include in the plan.

We have created this place for you to upload an image, it can be a photo or a drawing or even a photo of a drawing. We want to see images of what you value most about living in West Oxfordshire.

Note- by uploading this image you are giving West Oxfordshire District Council permission to use this in our Council Plan.

We know as well as having many things we value we also have many challenges to face as a community in West Oxfordshire whether that be the affordability of housing, the cost of living, tackling the climate emergency or preventing sewage entering our waterways among many other things. 

We would be grateful if you would answer the following questions to provide us with an insight into how we should approach our role to serve our local community and make an impact on some of the immediate and longer term challenges we face. 

If you would like to tell us more about your thoughts on Your Council and You use the free text below, you can use the voice to text to record your comment or type into the box if you prefer.

To submit your answers, click the yellow Next button at the bottom of this page.

Is this the first time you have commented on this consultation? 

You will be sent a email from support@commonplace.is please keep an eye on your inbox (sometimes this goes to junk) to confirm your comments. Note you will only have to do this once for each consultation.

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


A person happy and a comment icon
